Porn. What is the first thought that comes to your mind when you hear this word? Guilt? Shame? Disgust? These are some of the most common reactions toward porn. But as much as we feel that way toward it, many of us are enslaved to porn.

Right now, 30,000 people are watching porn. A new porn video is produced every 39 minutes.

World-renowned economists estimate that $73 billion per year over the span of 10 years is what it would take to release 1.4 billion people in the world from the hardship of extreme poverty. But what if I told you it’s a fact that in 2006, estimated revenues for the pornography industry is $97 billion worldwide?

We have spent more money on porn and neglected to help 1.4 billion people who are suffering every day from poverty.

There are 116,000 requests for child pornography, and 56 percent of divorce cases involved one party having an obsessive interest in pornographic websites.
Do you think it’s okay that kids start watching porn from as early as the age of 6 and begin flirting on the Internet from the age of 8?
These statistics and facts might shock and disturb you as they do for me. We live in a broken society that is so engulfed in the pursuit of self-pleasure that we have twisted our morality. Perhaps you have different opinions about porn, but certainly my intention is not to judge but rather to point you to another subject:

Sex trafficking. 

There are an estimated 600,000 to 800,000 children, women and men trafficked across international borders annually. Worldwide, there are nearly 2 million children in the commercial sex trade. The total market value of illicit human trafficking is estimated to be in excess of $32 billion.
Prostitution and related activities—including pimping and patronizing or maintaining brothels—encourage the growth of modern-day slavery by providing a façade behind which traffickers for sexual exploitation operate. 
According to a national study, production of pornography and Internet sex shows often rely on trafficked victims. Approximately one-third of the victims of prostitution in St. Paul, Minn., have been used in the production of pornography.
Where prostitution is tolerated, there is a greater demand for human trafficking victims and always an increase in the number of women and children trafficked into commercial sex slavery.
To make this simple: the more people watch porn, the more porn will be produced. And to keep up with the rapid demands, producers have to rely on those who are involved in prostitution, and that includes trafficked victims.
If you think fueling sex trafficking is not a good enough reason for you to stop watching porn, consider this next reason:


He grew up in a normal home with two dedicated and loving parents, as one of five brothers and sisters. His family regularly attended church, and his parents didn’t gamble or smoke. He had graduated from University of Washington with a degree in psychology in 1972.
His name is Ted Bundy, and he was one of the nation’s most notorious and feared serial killers for beating, raping, and then murdering at least 30 girls and women between the ages of 12 and 26.
Seventeen hours before Ted was led to the electric chair, Ted was interviewed by Christian leader James Dobson and quoted below is an edited transcript of the conversation that occurred.
JCD: For the record, you are guilty of killing many women and girls.
Ted: Yes, that’s true.
JCD: You had gone about as far as you could go in your own fantasy life, with printed material, photos, videos, etc., and then there was the urge to take that step over to a physical event.
Ted: Once you become addicted to it, and I look at this as a kind of addiction, you look for more potent, more explicit, more graphic kinds of material. 

Like an addiction, you keep craving something which is harder and gives you a greater sense of excitement, until you reach the point where the pornography only goes so far.

Ted: I was on the edge, and the last vestiges of restraint were being tested constantly, and assailed through the kind of fantasy life that was fueled, largely, by pornography. …Pornography can reach in and snatch a kid out of any house today. It snatched me out of my home 20 or 30 years ago.

As diligent as my parents were, and they were diligent in protecting their children. …There is no protection against the kinds of influences that are loose in a society that tolerates.

Read the rest of the interview here.
It is a sobering reminder to all of us that the sin of lust is a greedy parasite that you must not feed, lest it grow and lead to death. There are many destructive effects of porn, but these are more reasons for us to agree that porn does nothing more than destroy lives.
What we can do to stop the growth of the porn industry is not watch it. There are so many things in our everyday life that are positive, beautiful and worthy—why would we fill it with the destructive and temporary pleasure of pornography?
Protect your eyes and heart from pornography by using filtering and accountability software like Covenant Eyes and X3Watch. To learn more about porn addiction and how to deal with it, visit XXX Church or Freedom Begins Here.
There tend to be more resources for men than for women because the fact that women struggle too has only recently come to light. A couple sites specifically for women are Beggar’s Daughter and Dirty Girls Ministries.

Be a better person with dignity, and you can start now. Stop watching porn.

Although the Internet is a wonderful place for seeking entertainment and knowledge,
it can also irk temptation by letting you access porn. Most people suffer from pornography addiction and struggle through life, without knowing how to deal with it. This article will help you curb your porn addiction.

1. Decide to Stop

The first step in rehabilitating any addiction is to consciously accept your shortcomings and make the mental decision to stop acting on them. Having a strong reason to avoid watching pornography is an excellent motivator. You need to evaluate its harmful effects on your social and professional life. Is it making you anti-social? Are you losing focus in life? Asking yourself these questions, will help instil the motivation deep enough. The next step is to act on these motivations. Whenever you feel the urge to watch porn, remind yourself that you’re better than that. Try maintaining the boundaries that you set for yourself.

2. Remove Adult Content

It is safe to assume that every porn addict has his secret stash of adult magazines and videos. The first conscious tool in giving up the addiction is to remove all semblances of temptation. Throw away your magazines and videos. Cancel your subscriptions to porn sites and disable your membership to lascivious chat rooms. Install filtering software that can block objectionable content and clear your browser history to remove all such website addresses. This will purge your temptation and keep you from resorting to these options again.

3. Re-Evaluate Your Computer Time

With your porn-stash flushed away for good, you need to keep yourself from coveting a new one. To this end, you need to keep yourself busy. An empty mind will surely tempt you into watching porn again. Avoid spending lonely nights in front of your computer. Instead, try going to bed early and resting well. Enumerate the time you choose to spend being on the Internet and try and stick to your set schedule. Play games or stream movies or speak to your friends online.

4. Develop a New Hobby

If spending too much time on your computer makes you edge towards temptation, redirect your mind to other recreational activities. Take up on a new hobby. If you enjoy reading, then procure a library membership and spend your free-time reading books. If you’re an arty person, take up pottery or painting. Not only are these hobbies rewarding, but are also calming influences on your personality.
altAlthough the Internet is a wonderful place for seeking entertainment and knowledge,
it can also irk temptation by letting you access porn. Most people suffer from pornography addiction and struggle through life, without knowing how to deal with it. This article will help you curb your porn addiction.

1. Decide to Stop

The first step in rehabilitating any addiction is to consciously accept your shortcomings and make the mental decision to stop acting on them. Having a strong reason to avoid watching pornography is an excellent motivator. You need to evaluate its harmful effects on your social and professional life. Is it making you anti-social? Are you losing focus in life? Asking yourself these questions, will help instil the motivation deep enough. The next step is to act on these motivations. Whenever you feel the urge to watch porn, remind yourself that you’re better than that. Try maintaining the boundaries that you set for yourself.

2. Remove Adult Content

It is safe to assume that every porn addict has his secret stash of adult magazines and videos. The first conscious tool in giving up the addiction is to remove all semblances of temptation. Throw away your magazines and videos. Cancel your subscriptions to porn sites and disable your membership to lascivious chat rooms. Install filtering software that can block objectionable content and clear your browser history to remove all such website addresses. This will purge your temptation and keep you from resorting to these options again.

3. Re-Evaluate Your Computer Time

With your porn-stash flushed away for good, you need to keep yourself from coveting a new one. To this end, you need to keep yourself busy. An empty mind will surely tempt you into watching porn again. Avoid spending lonely nights in front of your computer. Instead, try going to bed early and resting well. Enumerate the time you choose to spend being on the Internet and try and stick to your set schedule. Play games or stream movies or speak to your friends online.

4. Develop a New Hobby

If spending too much time on your computer makes you edge towards temptation, redirect your mind to other recreational activities. Take up on a new hobby. If you enjoy reading, then procure a library membership and spend your free-time reading books. If you’re an arty person, take up pottery or painting. Not only are these hobbies rewarding, but are also calming influences on your personality.